Heroes Walk: This is My Story.
March 26, 2024 at 3:30 PM

Alyssa (right) with Co-Founder, Danielle Holstine at Heroes Walk 2023.

"Heroes Walk is a call to action: one that strives to connect veterans and their families while building strong community relationships. I am walking in response to that call." - Alyssa, US Marine.

I am currently enrolled in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at the University of Southern California and am specializing in Adult Mental Health and Wellness (ADHW) and Military Populations. I am also a United States Marine Corps veteran and am fully dedicated to serving the military community after completing my degree in December 2023.

I was once acutely struggling with the things I had experienced while serving which includes PTSD from sexual assaults, suicidal thoughts, a combat deployment to Afghanistan, death and life-threatening injuries during an accident on Camp Pendleton, and the loss of friends from suicide. I overcame these struggles as a veteran and am now seeking to serve a community who desperately needs resources and information. Military service does not have to end in tragedy. Active duty servicemembers and veterans can succeed in their efforts to receive help, especially when the community around them is supportive and uplifting.

Service member suicide, both active duty and veteran status, is a societal issue that I believe is critically important to address and change. Rates of military suicides have long been a concerning issue, but 2021 saw a 15% increase in veteran deaths from suicide. The VA identified (after adjusting for age and sex differences) that veteran suicide rates are 52.3% higher than rates for non-veteran adults. Suicide - and the many factors that may force someone to that point - are complicated to identify, address, and change.

I urge you to answer the call, be part of the change, and join us for the 2024 Heroes Walk!

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